Alabama Tax Free Weekend 2025
Check out what’s Tax Free during the Alabama Back To School Tax Free Weekend 2025. This is information is unofficial and based on 2025 data.
Cities and counties must notify the Alabama Department of Revenue by July 7th if they intend to also waive their taxes during the three-day tax holiday.
A record 291 localities added their tax savings to the statewide holiday in 2025: 233 municipalities and 58 counties. Alabama Free Tax Weekend Back to School 2025.
Check out our Facebook event here
- Alabama Sales Tax Holiday 2025 Reference PDF
- Alabama Sales Tax Holiday Rule Alabama 810-6-3-.65
- Sales Tax Holiday Act No. 2006-574
Read about Alabama’s severe weather preparedness sales tax holiday
“Covered items” means: Articles of clothing with a sales price of one
hundred dollars ($100), or less, per article of clothing. The exemption applies regardless
of how many items are sold on the same invoice to a customer. “Clothing” means all
human wearing apparel suitable for general use including sandals, shoes and
sneakers. Clothing shall not include the following listed items which are excluded from
the exemption:
(a) Belt buckles sold separately;
(b) Costume masks sold separately;
(c) Patches and emblems sold separately;
(d) Sewing equipment and supplies including, but not limited to, knitting
needles, patterns, pins, scissors, sewing machines, sewing needles, tape measures,
and thimbles;
(e) Sewing materials that become part of “clothing” including, but not limited
to, buttons, fabric, lace, thread, yarn, and zippers;
(f) In addition to (a) through (e) above, clothing shall not include clothing
accessories or equipment, protective equipment, or sport or recreational equipment, as
defined in 1., 2., and 3. below, and which are therefore taxable:
1. “Clothing accessories or equipment” means incidental items worn on the
person or in conjunction with “clothing.” The following list includes examples of “clothing
accessories or equipment” and is not intended to be an all-inclusive list:
(i) briefcases;
(ii) cosmetics;
(iii) hair notions, including, but not limited to, barrettes, hair bows, and hair
(iv) handbags;
(v) handkerchiefs;
(vi) jewelry;
(vii) sun glasses, non-prescription;
(viii) umbrellas;
(ix) wallets;
(x) watches; and
(xi) wigs and hair pieces.
2. “Protective equipment” means items for human wear and designed as
protection of the wearer against injury or disease or as protections against damage or
injury of other persons or property but not suitable for general use. The following list
includes examples of “protective equipment” and is not intended to be an all-inclusive
(i) breathing masks;
(ii) clean room apparel and equipment;
(iii) ear and hearing protectors;
(iv) face shields;
(v) hard hats;
(vi) helmets;
(vii) paint or dust respirators;
(viii) protective gloves;
(ix) safety glasses and goggles;
(x) safety belts;
(xi) tool belts; and
(xii) welders gloves and masks.
3. “Sport or recreational equipment” means items designed for human use
and worn in conjunction with an athletic or recreational activity that are not suitable for
general use. The following list includes examples of “sport or recreational equipment”
and is not intended to be an all-inclusive list:
(i) ballet and tap shoes;
(ii) cleated or spiked athletic shoes;
(iii) gloves, including, but not limited to, baseball, bowling, boxing, hockey, and
golf; goggles;
(iv) hand and elbow guards;
(v) life preservers and vests;
(vi) mouth guards;
(vii) roller and ice skates;
(viii) shin guards;
(ix) shoulder pads;
(x) ski boots;
(xi) waders; and
(xii) wetsuits and fins.
(4) “Covered items” means: A single purchase, with a sales price of seven
hundred fifty dollars ($750), or less, of computers, computer software, and school
computer supplies. “Computer,” “computer software,” and “school computer supplies”
shall not include furniture and any systems, devices, software, peripherals designed or
intended primarily for recreational use, or video games of a non-educational nature.
These items are defined as follows:
(a) “Computer” means an electronic device that accepts information in digital
or similar form and manipulates it for a result based on a sequence of instructions also
known as a central processing unit (CPU). For purposes of the exemption during the
sales tax holiday, a computer may include a laptop, desktop, or tower computer system
which consists of a CPU, display monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers sold as a
computer package. The computer package will qualify for the exemption if the dollar
amount of the sale is at or below seven hundred fifty dollars ($750). However, display
monitors, keyboards, mouse devices, speakers and other computer parts or devices
designed for use in conjunction with a personal computer not sold as part of a package
will not qualify for the exemption.
(b) “Computer software” means a set of coded instructions designed to cause
a “computer” or automatic data processing equipment to perform a task.
(c) “School computer supply” means an item commonly used by a student in
a course of study in which a computer is used. The following is an all-inclusive list of
school computer supplies:
1. Computer storage media; diskettes, compact disks;
2. Handheld electronic schedulers, except devices that are cellular phones;
3. Personal digital assistants, except devices that are cellular phones;
4. Computer printers; and
5. Printer supplies for computers; printer paper, printer ink.
(5) “Covered items” means: Noncommercial purchases of school supplies,
school art supplies, and school instructional material, up to a sales price of fifty dollars
($50) per item. These items are defined as follows:
(a) “School supply” is an item commonly used by a student in a course of
study. The following is an all-inclusive list:
1. Binders;
2. Book bags;
3. Calculators;
4. Cellophane tape;
5. Blackboard chalk;
6. Compasses;
7. Composition books;
8. Crayons;
9. Erasers;
10. Folders, expandable, pocket, plastic, and manila;
11. Glue, paste, and paste sticks;
12. Highlighters;
13. Index cards;
14. Index card boxes;
15. Legal pads;
16. Lunch boxes;
17. Markers;
18. Notebooks;
19. Paper, loose leaf ruled notebook paper, copy paper, graph paper, tracing
paper, manila paper, colored paper, poster board, and construction paper;
20. Pencil boxes and other school supply boxes;
21. Pencil sharpeners;
22. Pencils;
23. Pens;
24. Protractors;
25. Rulers;
26. Scissors; and
27. Writing tablets.
(b) “School art supply” is an item commonly used by a student in a course of
study for artwork. The following is an all-inclusive list:
1. Clay and glazes;
2. Paints, acrylic, tempora, and oil;
3. Paintbrushes for artwork;
4. Sketch and drawing pads; and
5. Watercolors.
(c) “School instructional material” is written material commonly used by a
student in a course of study as a reference and to learn the subject being taught. The
following is an all inclusive list:
1. Reference maps and globes;
2. Required textbooks on an official school book list with a sales price of
more than thirty dollars ($30) and less than fifty dollars ($50).
(6) “Covered items” means: Noncommercial purchases of books with a sales
price of not more than thirty dollars ($30) per book. The term book shall mean a set of
printed sheets bound together and published in a volume with an ISBN number, but
does not include magazines, newspapers, periodicals, or any other document printed or
offered for sale in a non-bound form.
(7) Covered items are exempt only if the individual item is priced at or below
the established threshold for the exemption. Exemption for only a portion of an
individual item is not allowed. The following example illustrates the application of the
rule to the exemption:
(a) A customer purchases a pair of pants costing $120.00. Tax is due on the
entire $120.00. The exemption does not apply to the first $100.00 of the price of an
item of clothing selling for more than $100.00.
(8) Splitting of items normally sold together. To qualify for the exemption,
items normally sold in pairs shall not be separated, and articles that are normally sold
as a single unit must continue to be sold in that manner. The following examples
illustrate the application of the rule to the exemption:
(a) A pair of shoes sells for $200.00. The pair of shoes cannot be split in order
to sell each shoe for $100.00 to qualify for the exemption.
(b) A suit is normally priced at $300.00. The suit cannot be split into a coat
and slacks so that one of the articles may be sold for $100.00 or less to qualify for the
exemption. However, articles that are normally sold as separate articles, such as a sport
coat and slacks, may continue to be sold as separate articles and qualify for the
(c) A packaged gift set consisting of a wallet (ineligible item) and tie (eligible
item) would not qualify for the exemption.
(9) “Buy one, get one free” and other similar offers. If a dealer offers “buy one,
get one free” or “two for the price of one” on covered items, the purchase shall qualify
for the exemption when all other conditions of the exemption are met. However, if a
dealer offers a “buy one, get one for a reduced price” the two prices cannot be averaged
to qualify both items for the exemption. The following examples illustrate the application
of the rule to the exemption:
(a) A dealer offers “buy one, get one free” on a pair of shoes. The first pair of
shoes has a sale price of $99.00 and the second pair is free. Both pairs of shoes will
qualify for the exemption because the first pair of shoes does not exceed the $100.00
exemption limitation.
(b) A coat is purchased for $120.00 and a second coat is purchased for half
price ($60.00) at the time the first coat is purchased. The second coat will qualify for the
exemption, but the tax will be due on the first coat. In this example, the sales price of
the items may not be averaged in order to qualify for the exemption.
(10) Discounts, coupons, and rebates. A discount by the seller reduces the
sales price of the item and the discounted sales price determines whether the sales
price is within the sales tax holiday price threshold. A coupon that reduces the sales
price is treated as a discount if the seller is not reimbursed for the coupon amount by a
third-party. If a discount applies to the total amount paid by a purchaser rather than to
the sales price of a particular item and the purchaser has purchased both eligible
property and taxable property, the seller should allocate the discount based on the total
sales prices of the taxable property compared to the total sales prices of all property
sold in that same transaction. The application of the exemption to discounts, coupons
and rebates extended on a covered item during the exemption period is illustrated by
the following examples:
(a) If a dealer sells a pair of jeans with a sales price of $110.00 and offers to
discount the item 10 percent at the time of sale, the exemption would apply because the
actual sales price of the jeans is $99.00.
(b) If a customer buys a $400.00 suit and a $55.00 shirt, and the retailer is
offering a 10 percent discount, after applying the 10 percent discount, the final sales
price of the suit is $360.00, and the sales price of the shirt is $49.50. The suit is taxable
(its price is over $100.00) and the shirt is exempt (its price is less than $100.00).
(c) If a dealer offers a reduction in sales price of $100.00 through a store
coupon for a computer with a sales price of $850.00, the exemption would apply to the
purchase because the dealer’s actual sales price to the customer is $750.00.
(d) If a customer gives to a dealer a manufacturer’s coupon for $100.00 for a
computer with a sales price of $850.00, the exemption would not apply.
(e) Rebates generally occur after the sale, thus the amount of the rebate does
not affect the sales price of the purchased item. For example, if a pair of jeans was
purchased for $110.00 with a manufacturer’s rebate for $10.00, the exemption would
not apply because the sales price is in excess of $100.00.
(11) Exchanges. The application of the exemption to an exchange of a covered
item purchased during the exemption period is illustrated by the following examples:
(a) A customer purchases a covered item during the exemption period, but
later exchanges the item for a different size, color, or other feature, and the original sale
is not cancelled. No additional tax is due even though the exchange is made after the
exemption period.
(b) A customer purchases a covered item during the exemption period. After
the exemption period has ended, the customer returns the item and receives credit on
the purchase of a different item and the original sale is cancelled. Sales tax is due on
the total sales price of the newly purchased item.
(c) A customer purchases a covered item before the exemption period.
During the exemption period the customer returns the item and receives credit on the
purchase of a different covered item and the original sale is cancelled. Sales tax is not
due on the sale of the new item if the new item is purchased during the exemption
(12) Layaway sales. A layaway sale is a transaction in which articles are set
aside for future delivery to a purchaser who makes a deposit, agrees to pay the balance
of the sales price over a period of time, and, at the end of the payment period, receives
the merchandise. A sale of a covered item under a layaway sale will qualify for the
exemption when final payment on the layaway order is made by, and the item is given
to, the purchaser during the exemption period; or when title to the covered item
transfers to the purchaser and delivery is made to the purchaser during the exemption
period. A sale made by completion of transfer of title after the exemption period shall
not qualify for the exemption.
(13) Rain checks. A rain check allows a customer to purchase an item at a
certain price at a later time because the particular item was out of stock. Covered items
purchased during the exemption period with the use of a rain check will qualify for the
exemption regardless of when the rain check was issued. Issuance of a rain check
during the exemption period will not qualify a covered item for the exemption if the item
is actually purchased after the exemption period.
(14) Mail, telephone, e-mail, and Internet sales. The sale of a covered item
qualifies for exemption when sold through the mail, telephone, e-mail or Internet when
the item is paid for and delivered to the customer during the exemption period; or when
title to the covered item transfers to the purchaser and delivery is made to the purchaser
during the exemption period. Pursuant to Section 40-23-1(a)(5), the sale of an item is
not closed or completed until the time and place where delivery occurs to the purchaser
after the act of transportation ends and the item comes to rest in this state for use or
consumption. Covered items that are pre-ordered and delivered to the customer during
the exemption period qualify for the exemption.
(15) Gift certificates and gift cards. Covered items purchased during the
exemption period using a gift certificate or gift card will qualify for the exemption,
regardless of when the gift certificate or gift card was purchased. Covered items
purchased after the exemption period using a gift certificate or gift card are taxable even
if the gift certificate or gift card was purchased during the exemption period. A gift
certificate or gift card cannot be used to reduce the selling price of a covered item in
order for the item to qualify for the exemption.
(16) Returns. For a 60 day period immediately after the sales tax holiday
exemption period, when a customer returns an item that would qualify for the
exemption, no credit for or refund of sales tax shall be given unless the customer
provides a receipt or invoice that shows tax was paid, or the seller has sufficient
documentation to show that tax was paid on the specific item. This 60 day period is set
solely for the purpose of designating a time period during which the customer must
provide documentation that shows that sales tax was paid on returned merchandise.
The 60 day period is not intended to change a seller’s policy on the time period during
which the seller will accept returns.
(17) Different time zones. The time zone of the purchaser’s location
determines the authorized time period for a sales tax holiday when the purchaser is
located in one time zone and a seller is located in another.
(18) Records. The retailer is not required to obtain an exemption certificate on
sales of covered items during the exemption period. However, the retailer’s records
should clearly identify the type of item sold, the date on which the item was sold, the
sales price of all items and, if applicable, any tax charged.
(19) Reporting Exempt Sales. No special reporting procedures are necessary
to report exempt sales on covered items made during the exemption period. Exempt
sales are to be included in the Gross Sales Amount and in the Deductions amount
reported on the state and local returns. Taxable sales and exempt transactions should
be reported as currently required by law.
(20) Transportation Charges.
(a) Where delivery is made by common carrier or the U.S. Postal Service, the
transportation charge if billed as a separate item and paid directly or indirectly by the
purchaser, is excluded from the sales price of the covered item. Transportation charges
made by any other means are included as part of the sales price of the covered item,
whether or not separately stated. Transportation charges are not separately stated if
included with other charges and billed as “shipping and handling” or “postage and
(b) “Shipping and handling” or “postage and handling” charges are included
as part of the sales price of the covered item, whether or not separately stated. If
multiple items are shipped on a single invoice, to determine if any covered items qualify
for the exemption for purposes of determining a sales tax holiday price threshold, the
shipping and handling charge or postage and handling charge must be proportionately
allocated to each item ordered, and separately identified on the invoice.
Listed below are the counties and municipalities that have notified the Department of their decision to participate or not participate in the Alabama “Back-to-School” Sales Tax Holiday.
Please note that some counties and municipalities may adopted the “Back-to-School” Sales Tax Holiday for the current year (2017) only and some localities have adopted the “Back-to-School” Sales Tax Holiday on a “limited” basis, whereby only a portion of the locality’s total sales and use tax levy is exempted. Localities that do not levy a sales tax are not listed.
Locality | Locality Code | Date Notification Received | Participating | Resolution or Ordinance No. | Effective Period |
Abbeville | 9356 | ||||
Adamsville | 9130 | ||||
Addison | 9309 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res 2025-417 | 2017 |
Akron | 9668 | ||||
Alabaster | 9413 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Ord 170508-043 | Each Year |
Albertville | 9397 | 6/6/17 | Yes | Res 1525-17 | Each Year |
Alexander City | 9358 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-08 | Each Year |
Aliceville | 9301 | ||||
Allgood | 9709 | 5/9/17 | No | ||
Altoona | 9709 | ||||
Andalusia | 9631 | 4/21/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-03 | 2017 |
Anderson | 9479 | 6/7/17 | No | ||
Anniston | 9311 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Res 17-R-38 | 2017 |
Arab | 9448 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-2 | Each Year |
Ardmore | 9634 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res 05-08-17 | Each Year |
Argo | 9729 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res 2025-04-01 | 2017 |
Ariton | 9602 | ||||
Arley | 9642 | 5/2/17 | Yes | Res 2025-01 | Each Year |
Ashford | 9342 | ||||
Ashland | 9351 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res 05-01-2017-01 | 2017 |
Ashville | 9325 | ||||
Athens | 9664 | 5/1/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-2018 | 2017 |
Atmore | 9386 | ||||
Attalla | 9406 | 5/23/17 | Yes | Res 5899(17) | 2017 |
Auburn | 9388 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 3019 | 2017 |
Autauga County | 7001 | 5/23/17 | Yes | Res 2025-27 | Each Year |
Autaugaville | 9679 | 6/1/17 | No | ||
Bakerhill | 9752 | 4/10/17 | No | ||
Baldwin County | 7002 | 5/25/17 | Yes | Res 2025-086 | 2017 |
Banks | 9109 | 4/10/17 | No | ||
Barbour County | 7003 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res 2025-28 | 2017 |
Bay Minette | 9354 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Res 0417-03 | 2017 |
Bayou La Batre | 9439 | 4/17/17 | Yes | Res 2025-004 | Each Year |
Bear Creek | 9643 | ||||
Beatrice | 9110 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-004 | Each Year |
Beaverton | 9756 | 4/19/17 | No | ||
Belk | 9711 | ||||
Berry | 9305 | 6/6/17 | Yes | Res 2025-02 | Each Year |
Bessemer | 9336 | 6/7/17 | Yes | Ord 3559 | Each Year |
Bibb County | 7004 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Res 2025-15 | Each Year |
Birmingham | 9137 | ||||
Black | 9748 | 5/16/17 | No | ||
Blount County | 7005 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res 2025-05-03 | 2017 |
Blountsville | 9636 | 5/2/17 | No | ||
Blue Springs | 9731 | 4/13/17 | No | ||
Boaz | 9384 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Res 2025-1439 | Each Year |
Boligee | 9707 | ||||
Brantley | 9657 | 6/7/17 | No | ||
Brent | 9685 | 4/19/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Brewton | 9306 | 6/2/17 | Yes | Res 17-0508-4 | 2017 |
Bridgeport | 9411 | ||||
Brighton | 9474 | ||||
Brilliant | 9147 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Res 4-17 | 2017 |
Brookside | 9708 | ||||
Brookwood | 9697 | 4/10/17 | No | ||
Brundidge | 9676 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-01 | Each Year |
Bullock County | 7006 | 6/8/17 | Yes | Res 2025-7 | Each Year |
Butler | 9417 | 4/20/17 | Yes | Res 349 | Each Year |
Butler County | 7007 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Calera | 9473 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-02 | 2017 |
Calhoun County | 7008, 7108, 7208, 7308 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Camden | 9482 | 4/28/17 | Yes | Res 2025-02 | 2017 |
Camp Hill | 9302 | ||||
Carbon Hill | 9436 | ||||
Carrollton | 9329 | 5/8/17 | Yes | Res 2025 | 2017 |
Castleberry | 9674 | 4/12/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-001 | 2017 |
Cedar Bluff | 9630 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-01 | Each Year |
Center Point | 9772 | ||||
Centre | 9626 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res 17-04-25 | Each Year |
Centreville | 9681 | 6/7/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Chambers County | 7009, 7109, 7209, 7309, 7409, 7609, 7070, 7170 | 5/8/17 | Yes | Res 04-24-17B | 2017 |
Chatom | 9312 | 5/9/17 | No | ||
Chelsea | 9158 | 4/21/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-04-20-740 | Each Year |
Cherokee | 9399 | ||||
Cherokee County | 7010 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Chickasaw | 9437 | 4/12/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-09 | Each Year |
Childersburg | 9627 | 4/21/17 | Yes | Res 2025-07 | Each Year |
Chilton County | 7011 | ||||
Choctaw County | 7012 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Citronelle | 9327 | 5/17/17 | Yes | Ord 1314 | Each Year |
Clanton | 9416 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res 042417 | 2017 |
Clarke County | 7013 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Clay | 9767 | ||||
Clay County | 7014 | ||||
Clayhatchee | 9614 | 6/1/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Clayton | 9615 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Ord | 2017 |
Cleburne County | 7015 | ||||
Cleveland | 9496 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-2 | Each Year |
Clio | 9443 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-01 | Each Year |
Coaling | 9106 | ||||
Coffee County | 7016 | ||||
Coffee Springs | 9498 | 4/12/17 | No | ||
Coffeeville | 9113 | 6/1/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Coker | 9760 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-1 | 2017 |
Colbert County | 7017 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Collinsville | 9434 | 5/16/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-02 | 2017 |
Columbia | 9459 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res 050217 | 2017 |
Columbiana | 9368 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Ord 5/17/01 | Each Year |
Conecuh County | 7018 | 4/19/17 | Yes | Res 04102017 | 2017 |
Coosa County | 7019 | 4/18/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Coosada | 9698 | 6/6/17 | No | ||
Cordova | 9164 | 4/11/17 | No | ||
Cottonwood | 9422 | ||||
County Line | 9167 | 4/19/17 | No | ||
Courtland | 9635 | 6/6/17 | No | ||
Covington County | 7020 | 5/8/17 | Yes | Res 17-04-25-01 | Each Year |
Cowarts | 9730 | ||||
Crenshaw County | 7021 | 4/10/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Creola | 9737 | ||||
Crossville | 9669 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-05-01 | Each Year |
Cuba | 9712 | 4/21/17 | No | ||
Cullman | 9170 | 5/23/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-14 | 2017 |
Cullman County | 7022, 7122 | 5/24/17 | Yes | Res 2025-27 | Each Year |
Cusseta | 9713 | 5/9/17 | No | ||
Dadeville | 9300 | 5/2/17 | Yes | Ord 483-D | 2017 |
Dale County | 7023 | 5/8/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Daleville | 9343 | 5/26/17 | Yes | Ord 05-02-17 | Each Year |
Dallas County | 7024 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Daphne | 9623 | 5/1/17 | Yes | Res 2025-26 | Each Year |
Dauphin Island | 9721 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Res 04172017 | 2017 |
Daviston | 9494 | 4/15/17 | No | ||
Deatsville | 9755 | ||||
Decatur | 9152 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Ord 17-4292 | Each Year |
DeKalb County | 7025 | 6/2/17 | Yes | Res 16-0523-02 | 2017 |
Demopolis | 9683 | 4/21/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-03 | Each Year |
Detroit | 9757 | ||||
Dodge City | 9143 | 5/25/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-5 | 2017 |
Dora | 9346 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Res 4-2017 | 2017 |
Dothan | 9653 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-160 | Each Year |
Double Springs | 9200 | ||||
Douglas | 9646 | ||||
Dozier | 9722 | ||||
Dutton | 9460 | 5/9/17 | No | ||
East Brewton | 9308 | 4/17/17 | No | ||
Eclectic | 9395 | 4/21/17 | Yes | Res 2025-04-002 | 2017 |
Edwardsville | 9103 | 5/31/17 | No | ||
Elba | 9385 | 5/16/17 | Yes | Res 04242017 | Each Year |
Elberta | 9650 | 5/17/17 | Yes | Res 2025-03 | Each Year |
Eldridge | 9457 | ||||
Elkmont | 9654 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Res 2025-01 | Each Year |
Elmore | 9116 | 4/13/17 | Yes | Res 2025-04 | 2017 |
Elmore County | 7026, 7726 | 5/8/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Emelle | 9692 | ||||
Enterprise | 9321 | 4/19/17 | Yes | Res 04-18-17-A | 2017 |
Escambia County | 7027, 7127, 7227, 7727 | 5/16/17 | No | ||
Ethelsville | 9154 | 4/12/17 | No | ||
Etowah County | 7028 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Eufaula | 9304 | 5/2/17 | Yes | Res 19-2017 | 2017 |
Eutaw | 9362 | ||||
Eva | 9104 | ||||
Evergreen | 9432 | 5/4/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-0418-01 | 2017 |
Excel | 9633 | 4/25/17 | No | ||
Fairfield | 9132 | ||||
Fairhope | 9117 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Ord 1594 | Each Year |
Fairview | 9136 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Ord 27 | Each Year |
Falkville | 9611, 9511 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-06 | Each Year |
Faunsdale | 9425 | ||||
Fayette | 9488 | 5/8/17 | Yes | Res 2025-03 | Each Year |
Fayette County | 7029 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Res 2025424 | 2017 |
Five Points | 9771 | ||||
Flomaton | 9723 | 5/12/17 | Yes | Res 01-17 | 2017 |
Florala | 9624 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Res 20250508 | 2017 |
Florence | 9455 | 5/17/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-09 | Each Year |
Foley | 9492 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Ord 17-2020-ORD | Each Year |
Forkland | 9601 | ||||
Fort Deposit | 9382 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res 2025-05-08 | Each Year |
Fort Payne | 9350 | 5/17/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-05 | Each Year |
Franklin | 9667 | 5/11/17 | No | ||
Franklin County | 7030 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Frisco City | 9394 | 4/12/17 | No | ||
Fruithurst | 9174 | 5/24/17 | No | ||
Fulton | 9704 | 5/4/17 | No | ||
Fultondale | 9418 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res 1858 | 2017 |
Fyffe | 9441 | ||||
Gadsden | 9696 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord O-10-17 | Each Year |
Gainesville | 9777 | ||||
Gantt | 9741 | 4/25/17 | No | ||
Gardendale | 9360 | 4/19/17 | Yes | Res 2025-044 | 2017 |
Gaylesville | 9734 | ||||
Geiger | 9699 | 5/10/17 | No | ||
Geneva | 9303 | 5/25/17 | Yes | Ord 06-2007-02A | Each Year |
Geneva County | 7031 | 5/31/17 | Limited | Res | Each Year |
Georgiana | 9353 | 5/16/17 | Yes | Ord 217-03 | Each Year |
Geraldine | 9318 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Res 2025-05-08-A | Each Year |
Gilbertown | 9438 | ||||
Glen Allen | 9165 | 6/7/17 | No | ||
Glencoe | 9402 | 4/14/17 | Yes | Res 17-005 | Each Year |
Glenwood | 9733 | 4/10/17 | No | ||
Goldville | 9744 | 4/20/17 | No | ||
Good Hope | 9115 | 5/8/17 | No | ||
Goodwater | 9377 | 6/2/17 | Yes | Res 2025-02 | Each Year |
Gordo | 9393, 9593 | 4/19/17 | No | ||
Gordon | 9613 | 4/10/17 | No | ||
Gordonville | 9740 | ||||
Goshen | 9476 | 5/3/17 | No | Res 2025-04-001 | |
Grant | 9398 | 5/16/17 | Yes | Ord 257 | Each Year |
Graysville | 9133 | 6/7/17 | Yes | Ord 920 | Each Year |
Greene County | 7032 | ||||
Greensboro | 9483 | 4/14/17 | Yes | Res 2025-05 | 2017 |
Greenville | 9435 | ||||
Grimes | 9759 | ||||
Grove Hill | 9673 | 4/19/17 | Yes | Ord A-252 | Each Year |
Guin | 9324 | 4/21/17 | Yes | Ord 258-16-17 | 2017 |
Gulf Shores | 9428 | 5/16/17 | Yes | Ord 1839 | EachYear |
Guntersville | 9344 | 4/12/17 | Yes | Ord 1043 | Each Year |
Gurley | 9480 | 4/11/17 | No | ||
Hackleburg | 9349 | ||||
Hale County | 7033 | 5/17/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Haleburg | 9768 | ||||
Haleyville | 9000 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-03 | Each Year |
Hamilton | 9359 | 4/19/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-2 | Each Year |
Hammondville | 9600 | 4/10/17 | No | ||
Hanceville | 9119 | 5/17/17 | Yes | Ord 612 | Each Year |
Harpersville | 9645 | 5/23/17 | No | ||
Hartford | 9481 | ||||
Hartselle | 9307 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Ord 1463 | Each Year |
Hayden | 9658 | 5/12/17 | Yes | Res 06-09-15 Amended 5/9/17 | Each Year |
Hayneville | 9409 | ||||
Headland | 9400 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res 1-2017 | Each Year |
Heath | 9120 | ||||
Heflin | 9316 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-04-11 | Each Year |
Helena | 9489 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res 04242017 | Each Year |
Henagar | 9369 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res 2025-0401 | Each Year |
Henry County | 7034 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Hillsboro | 9720 | ||||
Hobson City | 9687 | 4/18/17 | No | ||
Hodges | 9612 | 4/14/17 | No | ||
Hokes Bluff | 9617 | 5/23/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Hollywood | 9465 | ||||
Homewood | 9491 | 5/22/17 | Yes | Ord 2655 | 2017 |
Hoover | 9424 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Res 5583-17 | 2017 |
Houston County | 7035 | 5/4/17 | Yes | Res 2025-09 | 2017 |
Hueytown | 9371 | 5/16/17 | Yes | Ord 17-0425-2 | Each Year |
Huntsville | 9145 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Ord 08-556 | Each Year |
Hurtsboro | 9451 | 4/18/17 | Yes | Res 2025-11 | Each Year |
Hytop | 9743 | ||||
Ider | 9485 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Res 2025-06 | Each Year |
Irondale | 9134 | ||||
Jackson | 9340 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res 05-25-17 | 2017 |
Jackson County | 7036 | 5/23/17 | Yes | Res 17-6 | Each Year |
Jacksons’ Gap | 9682 | 5/9/17 | No | ||
Jacksonville | 9376 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res R-1956-17 | Each Year |
Jasper | 9680 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-11 | Each Year |
Jefferson County | 7037 | ||||
Jemison | 9607 | 6/2/17 | No | ||
Kansas | 9629 | 5/10/17 | No | ||
Kellyton | 9774 | 4/7/17 | No | ||
Kennedy | 9332 | ||||
Killen | 9396 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Res 2025-09 | Each Year |
Kimberly | 9644 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Res 2025-08 | 2017 |
Kinsey | 9647 | ||||
Kinston | 9366 | ||||
LaFayette | 9466 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 446 | 2017 |
Lake View | 9754 | ||||
Lakeview | 9778 | ||||
Lamar County | 7038 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Lanett | 9616 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Res 04-17-04 | 2017 |
Langston | 9123 | 4/18/17 | No | ||
Lauderdale County | 7039 | 5/16/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Lawrence County | 7040 | 5/18/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Lee County | 7041, 7141, 7741 | 5/31/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Leeds | 9401 | 4/20/17 | Yes | Res 2025-04-11 | 2017 |
Leesburg | 9729 | 4/11/17 | No | ||
Leighton | 9471 | 4/24/17 | No | ||
Level Plains | 9446 | 4/20/17 | Yes | Res 285 | Each Year |
Lexington | 9468 | ||||
Limestone County | 7042 | 4/17/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Lincoln | 9403 | 5/16/17 | Yes | Res 2025-21 | 2017 |
Linden | 9695 | ||||
Lineville | 9352 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Res 5-1-2017-1 | 2017 |
Lipscomb | 9464 | ||||
Lisman | 9648 | ||||
Littleville | 9355 | 4/19/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-E | Each Year |
Livingston | 9415 | ||||
Lockhart | 9742 | 5/4/17 | No | ||
Locust Fork | 9726 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Res 189 | 2017 |
Louisville | 9361 | 4/11/17 | No | ||
Lowndes County | 7043 | ||||
Lowndesboro | 9770 | 4/11/17 | No | ||
Loxley | 9330 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-10 | 2017 |
Luverne | 9651 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 17-01 | Each Year |
Lynn | 9125 | 4/14/17 | No | ||
Macon County | 7044 | 6/8/17 | No | ||
Madison | 9662 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-99 | 2017 |
Madison County | 7045, 7745 | ||||
Magnolia Springs | 9773 | 4/26/17 | Yes | Res 2025-01 | 2017 |
Malvern | 9656 | 6/7/17 | Yes | Res 100-2017 | Each Year |
Maplesville | 9609 | 5/15/17 | No | ||
Marengo County | 7046 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Margaret | 9672 | ||||
Marion | 9381 | 4/30/17 | Yes | Res 2025-17-4 | 2017 |
Marion County | 7047, 7747 | 4/18/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Marshall County | 7048, 7748 | 4/10/17 | No | ||
McIntosh | 9462 | 6/7/17 | No | ||
McKenzie | 9419 | ||||
Mentone | 9655 | 5/18/17 | No | ||
Midfield | 9375 | ||||
Midland City | 9499 | ||||
Midway | 9126 | 6/7/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-001 | Each Year |
Millbrook | 9638 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 17-01 | Each Year |
Millport | 9100 | 5/4/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-4 | Each Year |
Millry | 9367 | 4/7/17 | No | ||
Mobile (City of) | 9149 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Ord 34-016 | Each Year |
Mobile County | 7049 & 7749 | 4/28/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Monroe County | 7050 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Monroeville | 9423 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-05-001 | Each Year |
Montevallo | 9604 | 4/28/17 | Yes | Ord 04242017-300 | 2017 |
Montgomery (City of) | 9454 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Ord 37-2017 | Each Year |
Montgomery County | 7051 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Moody | 9671 | 4/12/17 | No | ||
Morgan County | 7052, 7252, 7352, 7452, 7752 | 4/21/17 | Yes | Res 17-209 | Each Year |
Morris | 9373 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Res 2025-06 | 2017 |
Mosses | 9677 | 4/12/17 | No | ||
Moulton | 9414 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res 2025-006 | 2017 |
Moundville | 9461 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Res 2025-02 | 2017 |
Mountain Brook | 9135 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res 2025-053 | 2017 |
Mt Vernon | 9495 | 4/26/17 | Yes | Res 2025-04-25 | Each Year |
Mulga | 9107 | 4/13/17 | No | ||
Munford | 9764 | ||||
Muscle Shoals | 9341 | 4/18/17 | Yes | Ord 1500-17 | Each Year |
Myrtlewood | 9724 | 6/5/17 | Yes | Ord 17-0508 | 2017 |
Napier Field | 9493 | 4/12/17 | No | ||
Nauvoo | 9127 | 5/24/17 | Yes | Ord 2025518 | Each Year |
Needham | 9689 | 5/30/17 | No | ||
New Brockton | 9445 | ||||
New Hope | 9700 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-399 | Each Year |
New Site | 9605 | 4/19/17 | No | ||
Newbern | 9688 | 6/6/17 | No | ||
Newton | 9325 | 6/7/17 | Yes | Res 2025-05-02-01 | 2017 |
Newville | 9472 | 6/6/17 | No | ||
North Courtland | 9678 | ||||
Northport | 9162 | 6/7/17 | Yes | Ord 1932 | 2017 |
Notasulga | 9407 | ||||
Oak Grove | 9603 | ||||
Oakman | 9652 | 5/2/17 | Yes | Res 2025-04-17-01 | 2017 |
Odenville | 9641 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res 04102017 | Each Year |
Ohatchee | 9632 | 4/7/17 | No | ||
Oneonta | 9408 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Res 2025-05-02STH | 2017 |
Opelika | 9663 | 5/23/16 | Yes | Ord 111-17 | Each Year |
Opp | 9628 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res 2025-06 | Each Year |
Orange Beach | 9706 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Res 17-101 | 2017 |
Orrville | 9775 | 5/17/17 | Yes | Ord A-2017 | 2017 |
Owens Cross Roads | 9703 | ||||
Oxford | 9315 | 5/24/17 | Limited | Ord 2025-10 | 2017 |
Ozark | 9339 | 5/4/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-6 | Each Year |
Parrish | 9429 | 5/26/17 | Yes | Ord 002-2017 | Each Year |
Pelham | 9452 | 5/2/17 | Yes | Res 2025-05-01-01 | 2017 |
Pell City | 9621 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-4761 | Each Year |
Pennington | 9469 | ||||
Perdido Beach | 9779 | ||||
Perry County | 7053 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Phenix City | 9383 | 5/17/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-14 | 2017 |
Phil Campbell | 9334 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Pickens County | 7054 | 4/13/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Pickensville | 9610 | ||||
Piedmont | 9426 | ||||
Pike County | 7055 | 5/31/17 | Yes | Res. 17-0522 | Each Year |
Pike Road | 9753 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-0367 | Each Year |
Pinckard | 9490 | ||||
Pine Hill | 9421 | ||||
Pinson | 9675 | 4/13/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-15 | 2017 |
Pisgah | 9430 | ||||
Pleasant Grove | 9420 | 4/10/17 | No | ||
Powell | 9391 | 6/2/17 | No | ||
Prattville | 9365 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Ord | 2017 |
Priceville | 9716 | 6/7/17 | No | ||
Prichard | 9431 | 6/6/17 | Yes | Res 1477 | 2017 |
Ragland | 9310 | 4/7/17 | No | ||
Rainbow City | 9666 | ||||
Rainsville | 9389 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Res 04-17-2017(A) | 2017 |
Ranburne | 9717 | 5/31/17 | Yes | Ord 17-03 | 2017 |
Randolph County | 7056 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Red Bay | 9313 | 5/11/17 | Yes | Ord 17.04.17 | Each Year |
Red Level | 9661 | 5/22/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-01 | 2017 |
Reece City | 9749 | 5/4/17 | No | ||
Reform | 9345 | ||||
Rehobeth | 9745 | 6/1/17 | No | ||
Repton | 9659 | 6/8/17 | Yes | Ors 2025-03 | Each Year |
Ridgeville | 9705 | 5/17/17 | No | ||
River Falls | 9739 | 5/9/17 | No | ||
Riverside | 9727 | 4/24/17 | No | ||
Riverview | 9637 | 4/14/17 | No | ||
Roanoke | 9319 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-04-01 | 2017 |
Robertsdale | 9618 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res 003-17 | Each Year |
Rockford | 9762 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res 76 | 2017 |
Rogersville | 9390 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res 05.08.17(1) | 2017 |
Russell County | 7057 | ||||
Russellville | 9404 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-102 | 2017 |
Rutledge | 9747 | ||||
Samson | 9317 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-002 | Each Year |
Sand Rock | 9738 | 4/11/17 | No | ||
Sanford | 9769 | ||||
Saraland | 9758 | 4/19/17 | Yes | Ord 1073 | 2017 |
Sardis City | 9719 | ||||
Satsuma | 9139 | 6/8/17 | Yes | Ord 515-1 | Each Year |
Scottsboro | 9410 | 5/12/17 | Yes | Ord 594 | Each Year |
Section | 9619 | 6/2/17 | No | ||
Selma | 9320 | 6/2/17 | Yes | Res R192-16/17 | 2017 |
Semmes | 9608 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res 2025-37 | Each Year |
Sheffield | 9453 | 6/6/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Shelby County | 7058 | 4/12/17 | Yes | Res 17-06-10-04 | Each Year |
Shorter | 9702 | ||||
Silas | 9427 | 4/20/17 | No | ||
Silverhill | 9670 | 5/12/17 | Yes | Ord 439-04-17-2017 | Each Year |
Sipsey | 9486 | ||||
Skyline | 9140 | ||||
Slocomb | 9322 | 5/23/17 | No | ||
Smiths Station | 9763 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res 2025-264 | 2017 |
Snead | 9606 | ||||
Somerville | 9728 | 5/12/17 | Yes | Res 2025-02 | Each Year |
Southside | 9701 | 4/12/17 | Yes | Ord 0-002-2017 | Each Year |
Spanish Fort | 9102, 9202, 9203 | 6/1/17 | Limited | Ord 520-2017 | 2017 |
Springville | 9714 | 5/2/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-03 | 2017 |
St. Clair County | 7059, 7759 | 5/1/17 | Yes | Res 2025-31 | Each Year |
St. Florian | 9478 | 4/21/17 | Yes | Ord 92a | Each Year |
Steele | 9639 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Res 2025-002 | Each Year |
Stevenson | 9447 | 5/25/17 | Yes | Res 2015-03 | Each Year |
Sulligent | 9392 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-04 | Each Year |
Sumiton | 9412 | 4/28/17 | Yes | Res 2016-2017-17 | Each Year |
Summerdale | 9649 | ||||
Sumter County | 7060 | 5/4/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Susan Moore | 9691 | 6/2/17 | No | ||
Sweet Water | 9467 | 5/8/17 | No | ||
Sylacauga | 9442 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Ord 2185-17 | 2017 |
Sylvan Springs | 9718 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Ord 17-176 | Each Year |
Sylvania | 9487 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Talladega | 9387 | 4/20/17 | Yes | Ord 1824 | Each Year |
Talladega County | 7061, 7161, 7761 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Tallapoosa County | 7062 | ||||
Tallassee | 9363 | 5/4/17 | Yes | Res 2025-547 | Each Year |
Tarrant | 9625 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Ord 1096 | Each Year |
Taylor | 9736 | ||||
Thomaston | 9660 | 4/10/17 | No | ||
Thomasville | 9405 | ||||
Thorsby | 9640 | 5/16/17 | Yes | Ord 05-15-17 | 2017 |
Town Creek | 9622 | 4/19/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-01 | Each Year |
Toxey | 9372 | 4/14/17 | No | ||
Trafford | 9348 | ||||
Triana | 9746 | ||||
Trinity | 9153 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-03 | Each Year |
Troy | 9328 | 5/10/17 | Yes | Ord 372 | Each Year |
Trussville | 9620 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Res 2025-019 | 2017 |
Tuscaloosa | 9163 | 6/6/17 | Yes | Ord 8518 | 2017 |
Tuscaloosa County | 7063 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
Tuscumbia | 9314 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Res 17-008 | 2017 |
Tuskegee | 9335 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Res 2025-41 | 2017 |
Union | 9121 | ||||
Union Grove | 9456 | 6/7/17 | No | ||
Union Springs | 9450 | 4/18/17 | Yes | Ord 448 | Each Year |
Uniontown | 9347 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Res 2025-1 | 2017 |
Valley | 9665 | 4/13/17 | Yes | Res 2025-049R | 2017 |
Valley Grande | 9766 | 4/21/17 | No | ||
Valley Head | 9357 | 5/3/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-05-02 | Each Year |
Vance | 9750 | ||||
Vernon | 9331 | ||||
Vestavia Hills | 9333 | 5/1/17 | Yes | Res 4946 | Each Year |
Vina | 9484 | ||||
Vincent | 9378 | 4/19/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-003 | Each Year |
Wadley | 9323 | 6/7/17 | Yes | Ord 06-05-2017 | Each Year |
Waldo | 9475 | ||||
Walker County | 7064 | 5/19/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Walnut Grove | 9715 | 6/6/17 | No | ||
Warrior | 9337 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Res 2025-04 | 2017 |
Waterloo | 9470 | 6/2/17 | No | ||
Waverly | 9761 | 4/11/17 | No | ||
Weaver | 9440 | 5/2/17 | Yes | Res 2025-06 | 2017 |
Webb | 9710 | 4/27/17 | Yes | Ord 2025-001 | Each Year |
Wedowee | 9374 | 5/9/17 | Yes | Res 312 | 2017 |
West Blocton | 9693 | 4/21/17 | Yes | Res | 2017 |
West Jefferson | 9144 | 4/17/17 | No | ||
Westover | 9765 | 4/25/17 | Yes | Res 2025-04-18-2012 | 2017 |
Wetumpka | 9338 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Res 2025-5-1-1 | 2017 |
White Hall | 9684 | 6/1/17 | No | ||
Wilcox County | 7066 | 5/2/17 | Yes | Res 2025-003 | 2017 |
Wilsonville | 9370 | 5/5/17 | Yes | Ord 170417 | 2017 |
Wilton | 9686 | ||||
Winfield | 9458 | 5/17/17 | Yes | Res 1199 | 2017 |
Winston County | 7067 | 6/2/17 | Yes | Res | Each Year |
Woodland | 9690 | ||||
Woodstock | 9108 | 5/15/17 | Yes | Res 2025-5-1 | 2017 |
Woodville | 9751 | 5/4/17 | Yes | Res 1-2017 | Each Year |
Yellow Bluff | 9732 | ||||
York | 9444 | 4/28/17 | Yes | Res 2025-06 | 2017 |